Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Observations about money


i am a financial advisor trained and experienced in all things money. i am not a typical 'financial advisor' or some primerica type wannabe. i am not just a investment advisor or an average 'financial planner' or cfp. i KNOW money. i know how it works. i know what it does. i know its nature.

my observation is that the nature of money runs in direct contrast with the human nature. and it is because of this conflict that we incur so much grief and pain in our lives. how so?

generally human beings want to love and be loved, help others and be fulfilled in our contribution to mankind. i believe the monetary system takes these natural characteristics and exploits them ot its own advantage.

what do you think ADVERTISING is all about. it is designed to get people to do things they themselves wouldnt ordinarily do. be envied? who wants to be envied at the expense of peace?

i believe that the system creates a false motivation in each of us and that unrealized internal conflict that we turn to alcohol, drugs and medicines. this conflict is the source of unhealthy eating, violence, promisicuity and other self damaging activities. these damaging activities themselves are marketed as pleasing or rewarding but have 'after the fact' costs that most cannot and are unable to recover from.

is it really about money? it is now. money for everything. whatever happened to sustaining one's self and counting on your neighbor for those things one lacked? again, something that has been done away with to exploit the masses and make money for the few.

i know money. and i know this is true. this observation has been compiled after intense discussions with those with money as well as those without. it is known; not necessarily acknowledged.

is there a solution? how ironic that the only way to obtain any source of liberty from it is to possess a lot of money.


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